right where you need it
right where you need it
No bluetooth? No problem!
More features
4 steps to never being lost again.
→ We evaluate your current infrastructure to support the wayfinding and patient/visitor experiences you desire. Then we recommend the necessary Beacon-based network and Mobile app improvements along with the expected ROI and pilot.
→ Our team develops your unique Wayfinding solution by customizing the ZH Mobile app based on your brand identity and requirements. The ZH platform’s open architecture facilitates this process and future upgrades.
→ Our site survey team visits your facility to determine the optimal network configuration, and beacons are placed in strategic spots. Photos are then taken from all public areas and your building’s floor plan is used to identify & tag important locations.
→ We publish your branded application to the app store, and your turn-by-turn AR Wayfinding app is ready to use within a few weeks!